100% effective merchandising

Maximize the dissemination of your brand,
through a functional product that is used
several times a day.

Creative, functional advertising

Invest in a utilitarian,
durable and eternal
merchandising product


Promote your brand,
message or campaign in the most
original way

[cms_videopopup video_url=”https://vimeo.com/254540749″ video_intro=”6354″]

Hug-me Group received “Premis Empresa 2018”

The company Hug-me Group has receiveda special mention in the innovative business project for the category: “Best company under 3 years old” and will receive support over 3 years by technicians of Tarragona City Council’s Tarragona Impulsa.

If you want to continuous reading the article 👉🏻 link


Take a look at our portfolio! You’ll be amazed by our designs 😁

[cms_heading hd_title=”Hug-me® will amaze your customers. ” hd_lineheight_title=”47px” hd_title_color=”#ffffff” hd_title_padding_bottom=”28px” hd_description=”Do you want to stand out above your competitors and retain your customers with an innovative product that will make them think of you and see your advertising every day? ” hd_description_color=”#f4f4f4″ cms_template=”cms_heading–layout3.php”]

Circular Economy with Hug-me®

Since it was founded in 2017, Hug-me Group SL has been committed to our environment, enhancing the values of the Hug-me® company and brand, applying the basic concepts of the circular economy: reducing, recycling and reusing.

The Hug-me® gadget is devised to assist in emptying the contents of tubes of toothpaste, creams or glue, saving time and effort, thanks to its robust, durable and sustainable design. Because of its light weight, only 10 grams, it means that logistics cause little pollution.

😀Therefore, it’s 100% re-usable 😀

😀Therefore, it’s 100% re-usable 😀

At this link will be able to discharge you the document at format *.pdf  and the certificate of material

With small steps, we can change the world. Do you want to start today?

“If you want to change the world, change yourself” Mahatma Gandhi

We received the Start Up APé 2020 Award

👉🏻 go to the news

[cms_heading hd_title=”Advantages of Hug-me® ” cms_template=”cms_heading–layout3.php”][cms_list list_style=”list-style2″ cms_list=”%5B%7B%22cms_list_item%22%3A%22Allows%20emptying%20tubes%20of%20(tooth)paste%20or%20cream%20with%20ease%22%7D%2C%7B%22cms_list_item%22%3A%22Improves%20the%20quality%20of%20life%20of%20people%20with%20disabilities%20%20%22%7D%2C%7B%22cms_list_item%22%3A%22Helps%20the%20little%20ones%20to%20handle%20flexible%20tubular%20containers%20%22%7D%2C%7B%22cms_list_item%22%3A%22Promotes%20your%20company%20with%20an%20original%20gift%20%22%7D%2C%7B%22cms_list_item%22%3A%22You%20will%20be%20present%20in%20the%20everyday%20life%20of%20your%20potential%20customers%20%22%7D%2C%7B%22cms_list_item%22%3A%22We%20are%20the%20exclusive%20manufacturers%20and%20distributors%20%22%7D%2C%7B%22cms_list_item%22%3A%22Product%20patented%20and%20registered%20%22%7D%2C%7B%22cms_list_item%22%3A%22Product%20100%25%20national%20%22%7D%5D”]
[cms_heading hd_title=”Where can it be applied? ” hd_description=”The most original gift for your customer.” text_align=”center” cms_template=”cms_heading–layout1.php”]

Promote your brand

Dentists, physiotherapists, pharmacies, aesthetic and wellness centres, medical centres, hardware stores, etc.

The best souvenir

A functional, durable “souvenir” with a surprise guaranteed.


Use the product as we show you in the picture, with a distinctive touch set out the cutlery on top of the article so as not to dirty the tablecloth.

Preventive campaign

Hug-me® works as an advert for awareness campaigns: dentists, orthodontists, physiotherapists, orthopaedic stores, etc.

Tourism promotion

Hug-me® is a souvenir of a trip, holidays, tourism, etc.

An advertising gimmick for school trips, with sports teams, etc.

Hug-me® is a great choice to self-finance the end-of-year school trip or summer camp, innovative, fun and useful.
[cms_heading hd_title=”Hug-me® helps the elderly ” hd_title_color=”#ffffff” cms_template=”cms_heading–layout2.php”]

It helps elderly people with problems in their hands to handle flexible tubular containers

It makes their life easier by helping to handle tubes
of toothpaste, creams, etc.

[cms_heading hd_title=”THE “SOUVENIR” THAT WILL AMAZE!! ” cms_template=”cms_heading–layout3.php”]

If you have a business and you want to sell the Hug-me® “souvenir”, you can sell displays of 100 units containing 10 different models.

Contact us and we will inform you.

[cms_button button_text=”Contact now” link_button=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fhug-me.com%2F%23contacto|||” cms_template=”cms_button.php”]
[cms_heading hd_title=”Hug-me® 1.60€ / Unit” hd_subtitle=”HOW WE WORK ” hd_description=”We carry orders from 100 units. Free shipment within Spain to your facilities. Please check for other shipment destinations.” text_align=”center” cms_template=”cms_heading–layout1.php”]
[cms_process cms_template=”cms_process.php” process_title1=”QUOTE ” process_description1=”We can give you a quote as of 100 units ” process_title2=”DESIGN ” process_description2=”A sample of customized design ” process_title3=”APPROVAL” process_description3=”Approval of the design supplied by Hug-me® or the customer’s design ” process_title4=”DELIVERY ” process_description4=”In approximately 10-15 days you will receive your “Hug-me®” at your business. “]

I need more information
about Hug-me®

[cms_button button_text=”Contact now” link_button=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fhug-me.com%2F%23contacto|||” cms_template=”cms_button.php”]
[cms_heading hd_title=”Hug-me® is a patented and registered product ” cms_template=”cms_heading–layout2.php”]

The Patent is protected by Spanish Law 24/2015, of 24 July, on Patents, Section 7, Arts. 62 to 71.

Trademark: Spanish Law 17/2001, of 7 December, on Trademarks, Section 5, Chapter 3, Arts. 40 to 45.


[cms_heading hd_title=”Contact us ” cms_template=”cms_heading–layout1.php”][cms_button button_text=”Contact now” link_button=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fhug-me.com%2F%23contacto|||” cms_template=”cms_button.php”]

Hug-me Group SL has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the competitiveness of SMEs and thanks to which it has launched an International Digital Marketing Plan with the aim of improving its online positioning in markets in the year 2020. To this end it has had the support of the XPANDE DIGITAL Program of the Chamber of Commerce of  Tarragona.

“Another way to make Europe”